
Artificial Intelligence and the TLCI Advantage

With each passing day, we are increasingly bombarded by multiple sources about artificial intelligence, AI, and the dramatic impact this technology will have on our lives. On one end of the spectrum are those who see AI as an existential threat to humanity. Unemployment will skyrocket. People will become manipulated...

Get out and explore! Field trips are not just for school.

Getting out into the world is an important way for parents to connect with their children and for children to connect with the world of things, people, history and culture. Seeing with their own eyes, touching with their own hands, hearing the sounds and breathing in the aromas first-hand cements...

Paths to Personal Empowerment Beginning With the End in Mind

What if the road to success that millions have trod for over half a century—testing, college applications, admissions, graduation and living happily ever after in a life of ever-rising income—is no longer sufficient to ensure continued economic success? Gather your children around and answer the following questions posed by Daniel...